Friday, May 8, 2015

Automata - 2015 - DVD/Blu-Ray Review

"Jacq Vaucan is an insurance agent of ROC robotics corporation who investigates cases of robots violating their primary protocols against altering themselves. What he discovers will have profound consequences for the future of humanity."

With another Terminator film coming up and Age of Ultron once again reinforcing our fears that AI will dream of nothing more than the extinction of the virus, as Agent Smith would put it, that is the human race, Automata comes along to make us question ourselves as a species.

Philip K. Dick once pondered the question do androids dream of electric sheep? Well Automata asks do androids just want to live a normal life? Look after each other and experience the things humans take for granted such as free will and families?

We don't do spoilers here - (unless the film is so bad spoilers will stop you wasting time and money - think of it as a public service)  - so I'll just tell you a little bit about how I felt watching the film.

The film's sombre pacing stands out against the relentless adrenaline fuelled movies we are constantly getting. Much like the critical hit Snowpiercer this is a movie for those nights where you do actually want to think and be drawn into a deep humanistic, sorry racists against the AIs, a sentient beings journey.

The comparisons to Blade Runner are easy to make, and yet that doesn't detract from the engagement and enjoyability level while watching.

Banderas is gripping to watch and delivers a genuinely weighted performance that is great to see, what with us all becoming used to his Zorro/Puss in Boots action turns in recent years.

Before I decide what this Summer's ratings curve will be called, I'll just give this one the usual out of 10 rating as most people expect.

Everything considered I can safely say if you watch Automata as a late night film, wanting to be drawn in by a tone and pacing more akin to classic Sci-Fi films like Silent Running and 2010 then this will easily be an 8/10 experience.
However if you want an i-Robot CGI thrill ride then, well it's still an 8/10, just these aren't the droids you are looking for.

And for Fans of Blackadder...well just watch to see Percy go Vinny Jones!

AUTOMATA is available On Demand now & Blu-ray and DVD 11th May, 2015

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