Thursday, March 19, 2015

Strangeness In Space - UK Sci-Fi Kickstarter

What would happen if Sophie, the manager of a NASA Space Centre gift shop, and Trev and Simon, two idiots claiming to be a 1980s styled synth pop duo called Pink Custard, were thrown together with a stressy computer robot called LEMON on board a damaged space craft, lost in a distant universe, orbiting Planet Mirth?

To keep things running on board the space ship and everything else, Trev and Simon and Sophie rely on their talking robot computer LEMON (Linguistically Enhanced Mobile Operations Network). Unfortunately for them LEMON is not your average super intelligent space computer robot. LEMON is over worked, over emotional, and very stressy in fact, a bit of a lemon really.

So what is this "strangeness" all about then?
We found out from one of the main people involved Clare Eden.

Strangeness in Space
"Sophie Aldred, the seventh Doctor's companion Ace, is heading back into Space - this time not with Sylvester McCoy but with comedy duo Trev and Simon who entertained us for so many years in BBC TV's Going Live and Live & Kicking. AlongsideClare Eden, producer of the award winning podcast series The Minister of Chance, the team will be bringing you Strangeness in Space, a sci-fi comedy podcast series for kids aged 8 to 80, and beyond.... 

The series is also written by Trev & Simon: " we loved that parents
seemed to enjoy our humour as much as their kids on Saturday morning telly and we intend to bring the same sense of family fun to this". The audio series will be free to download, financed by a crowd-funding campaign starting on 24th March. "On Minister of Chance we literally started with just an idea but no commissioning budget" said Clare Eden , "and we ended up with a worldwide fanbase financing an entire first season through crowdfunding; winning a Parsec Award and being nominated for a BBC Audio Award along the way! It's a wonderful way for an audience to have a sense of ownership on something they enjoy". The foursome met at University studying Drama in Manchester. "50 years ago in March Alexei Leonov took the first ever walk in Space" said Sophie " I find it hilarious that I am now heading off to Space for adventures 
with Trev and Simon!" - Clare Eden

For more on this check out the links below...

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