Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Foxcatcher - New Poster & Golden Globe image set

Christmas is just around the corner, which could only mean one thing for the Movie studios...Award season is close.

The last few days a number of "For your consideration" one sheets and image sets have started hitting the web and press, there have even been a few surprises such as Transformers: Age of Extinction asking to be considered for the Best Movie category. Today Sony Pictures & Entertainment One released a new UK Quad poster and Image set boasting the already critically acclaimed movies 3 Golden Globe nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor for Steve Carrell & Best Supporting Actor for Mark Ruffalo.

The Psychological Thriller "Foxcatcher" which also stars Channing Tatum hits UK Screens on January 9th 2015 and is already receiving rave reviews, Be sure to check out the new image set below as well as the UK Trailer and let us know your thoughts by tweeting us or commenting below

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