Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Terminator Genisys - Watch the Trailer teaser here!

For the third time in just over a week, Movie geeks around the world are setting the internet on fire. This time over the teaser for the new Terminator film "Terminator Genisys"

It seems to be a new thing among studios to release a teaser for a trailer of a movie, but we can clearly see why they do it. Like with the recent Jurassic World teaser, we get a brief glimpse at what the Trailer and Movie looks and feels like, including the return of Arnie himself!

The full length trailer will have its debut tomorrow, but in the mean time why not check out the teaser below and let us know what you think by tweeting us here or commenting below.

Check back tomorrow for the Full length "Terminator Genisys" Trailer


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