Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Terminator Genisys (20150 - Casting Mistakes

Pic Entertainment

Someone please explain why we got Jai Courtney as Kyle "bad-ass" Reese?

I am not being a dick to Jai Courtney, he's just not right for the role.
Think about Michael Biehn and the character Kyle Reese?
How cool was he?! Exactly! 
Also in Aliens Hicks was a smooth, diligent, likeable character that you desperately wanted to win and survive!
Both characters are two of the best action protagonists of the 80's. This new Kyle Reese is going to suck worse than the movie overall! 

Why did they not cast Joel McHale????

This guy is Kyle Reese!!!
Hollywood casting agents be damned! 

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