Monday, April 13, 2015

Ant-Man - 2015 Epic Sized Trailer First Look

The film that everyone thought would be the first nail in Marvel's coffin comes to the big screen this summer.
With the endless hits being churned out by the comic book giant and Disney's collaboration, sooner or later they would have a Green Lantern on their hands?
Some even said that last summers Guardians of the Galaxy would be the adaptation too far for this movie universe juggernaut.
Well that proved to be one of the greatest summer movies of all time, not just of 2014.

So as soon as Ant-Man began going through its production drama, it was written off.
The reaction to the film's initial trailer was kind of so-so, many calling it an Iron Man clone or a dated origin flick that has now come too late to the MCU party.
I didn't think much of it either.

Now the proper trailer is online and I for one am so there opening weekend!

The miniaturising premise has been fulling explored, from the looks of it, to deliver some truly unique and exciting visuals.
The one on one emphasis of Ant-Man vs Yellow Jacket hopefully will deliver more thrills than watching another superhero flick where our protagonists fight off against a faceless CGI swarm of no name baddies.
The action looks top draw and the comedy, from what we see in the trailer, has that Guardians sense of humour.

  • Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
    - Written by

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