Friday, April 17, 2015

Lando - Star Wars Marvel Team Up

Some sweet news coming from today.

" Why Lando Calrissian as the next character from the Star Wars galaxy to get some spotlight through Marvel?
Charles Soule: We actually spent a bunch of time talking about the next character to focus on, and Lando rose to the top of the list very quickly. I mean, based on what we see in the films, he seems to have a fascinating backstory—history with Han, he used to own the Millennium Falcon, etc.—but we never see any of it. He just appeared in an episode of “Rebels,” but beyond that, he’s really unexplored.
Another thing I like about him is that he gets a hero’s journey of his own in the movies. When we first see him in “The Empire Strikes Back,” he’s not exactly a shining knight. He sells his friends out to the Empire. Now, it’s all somewhat understandable, and he does his best to make things right, but still. He’s no Luke Skywalker.
But by the end of “Return of the Jedi,” he’s put all that behind him. He’s finally picked a side, and ends up destroying the second Death Star. I could also have skipped all that explanation and given you a two-word answer that would have been equally true: Lando’s cool." -

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Aside from this I would love to see Billy Dee back as Lando in the new movies!

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