Monday, April 20, 2015

Jurassic World - 2015 Latest Trailer We Have a T-Rex!!!

Here she is!
The fans have been quietly praying for this moment for sometime!
As fans of Jurassic Park we have been pretty pleased with what we have seen so far from Colin Trevorrow and Universal...however there was just one little thing missing....
We get our first glimpse (very brief, but she's there and we know what that will mean) of everyone's favourite!

The Mutha Fudging T-Rex!!!

Ok so in my excitement I got carried away...but just knowing Rexy is there, and ready to throw down gave me goose bumps!
I know we knew the Rex was an attraction but by god just seeing a glimpse of her followed by all that action is enough to make any fanboy, who was there, harken back to 1993!

I remember having the trading cards which described each scene depicted on the back.
I remember sitting there in that little cinema on Jersey and covering my eyes, just knowing that Muldoon was about to get torn to shreds!
How much I would see...I did not know...yet the thrill of anticipation just got to me and I didn't fully see the attack scene without fingers blocking some of it till VHS!

Now today we get the epic trailer for Jurassic World and I for one am having the same reaction as back then!
I believe Dinosaurs are real! And they are totally pissed off!

The the lines "think this will scare the kids?" and "this will give the parents nightmares"
are less dialogue and more a marketing statement at this point!
It would appear that we have a true no holds barred family adventure that will scare and thrill in equal measures!

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