Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Bond Podcast Special Preview **BOND SPECIAL NOW ONLINE**

UPDATED - 18/4/2015....The Bond Podcast Special is now available via the player to the right of this post....enjoy!

Coming soon we have a special cross over Podcast where we will be celebrating the greatest secret agent of all time! Then after our Austin Powers special we will get to Bond, James Bond.
Nah only pulling your leg.
On the next Podcast we will be teaming up with YouTube's number one Bond fan to talk about the film series that makes Sunday afternoons great, even more than Aunt Bessie's Roast spuds!

We will chat about our favourite and most hated Bond movies, the best gadgets, girls and villains; and try and agree on our personal dream Bond movie set up.
Calvin Dyson shall be joining us as our franchise expert.

Here's a look at Calvin's videos.

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