Thursday, January 15, 2015

Star Wars vs Lord of the Rings - Which is Better?

The ultimate battle between two of the most successful franchises of all time is the basis for endless debates on message boards, polls and forums.
I personally love both sagas, however I was interested to see, beyond any of my own fanboy arguments, just which of these epics was actually, not so much better, but ultimately more successful.
I was actually quite surprised by the stats.
Before looking into some basic figures I had already called it for one side, mainly based on my personal views of each individual movie on its own stand alone merits.

Star Wars scored, to me, a 10/10 with Episode IV, 11/10 for Empire and Jedi at 8/10.
That is a solid set of numbers, I then thought "well Lord of the Rings must be pretty close?"
So I rated them 8/10, 9/10 and 10/10; so Star Wars won overall, but it was a close battle.
The Star Wars OG Trilogy ended up with a 9.66/10 average and LotR finished on 9/10...ooooh that's tight, yet unfortunately, although close, Middle Earth didn't manage the (almost) impossible of delivering an 11/10.
Now all that was just my personal opinion, all ratings were off the top of my head while watching the films.

Then I stopped to think, "but what about both franchises as overall sagas?"
I thought over Christmas, as I watched both sets of films, that I can see Jackson's movies being better overall as a 6 film series?
 I have little affection for the overall vision Lucas had for the prequels, not to even mention Jar Jar!
Then with the final Hobbit movie just hitting theatres I thought "what if the prequel trilogy ended up costing Star Wars in this close fight, when all 6 films were thrown into the equation would they let the force down?"
The original trilogies were always going to be close as they are great films.
The prequel trilogies, however, that's a different story.
I was actually surprised by the results, as much as The Hobbit films are seen as inferior to Jackson's first outings in Middle Earth, I thought they surely would top the prequel trilogy? Right???

See pretty close. Now the US box office was always going to higher for the OG trilogy simply as between 1977-1983 more people went to the cinema.

Now the prequels...

The numbers give victory to the rebellion! Sorry Frodo!

1 comment:

  1. Now all that was just my personal opinion, all ratings were off the top of my head while watching the films. best wedding jewelry
